This 'Groundwater" Could Change Your Life!
The Best Bottled Water
Most people know that drinking a certain amount of water every day is essential. Drinking in general is a daily function, whether it is tea, coffee, soft drink or something alcoholic, we all drink and tend to substitute these beverages for what is truly beneficial to good health, and that is water.
Water comes in many variants. Tap water is generally practical for most, then there is bottled water of various types; flavoured or natural making up most of the rest.
This article brings to light a very beneficial element of water which plays an important role in combating an element detrimental to human health, named Aluminium.
Aluminium is toxic to the human body and believed to be a contributor to the development of conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. Imagine other conditions Aluminium could contribute to! Whilst the digestive tract is able to remove large quantities of the metal, a small portion still accumulates in tissues and rests in the brain, bones and heart.
Do you have Aluminium in your body? It is very likely since it is found widely in our environment. We are subject to aluminium is various forms such as from the air we breathe, the leaching from cookware, the absorption from underarm deodorant and many other products.
Fortunately some water with certain levels of silica is able to remove aluminium from the body due to the role played by soluble silicon or silicic acid. This form of silicon is able to form a complex with aluminium called "hydroxyaluminosilicate", which the body is then able to easily filter the aluminium from the blood by the kidney and via excretion of aluminium in the urine.
Natural Water
Drinking silicon-rich water is an effortless way to remove aluminium from the body. The difficult part is finding the right water, affording it and finally being disciplined in drinking at least 1 litre of it every day. At Keele University in the United Kingdom, several years of research and trails have shown up to a 70% reduction in aluminium levels from drinking silica-rich mineral water in just over a 12 week period.
The effect is due to the silica ionic suspension found in mineral water (silicic acid, H4O4Si) that is efficient in passing through the blood brain barrier.
Best Bottled Water
Fiji Water.
The level of silica required should be around the 30mg/liter mark. There are a few waters with these levels, but one with at the 45mg/liter level is found in Fiji Water
Drinking a water high in silica can only benefit you, how necessary can be determined by knowing the levels of aluminium you actually have that could be contaminating your body's tissues. Speak to a Doctor or health practitioner to decide which test is best suited, whether a blood, hair, urine or combination of analyses. Then drink this water for a 12 week period, have yourself tested again and see for yourself how effective this water has been.