Gut Microbiome | Know Your Gut Health

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The gut microbiota and the gut barrier are two factors that influence gut health. Large proteins and other molecules escape from the gut into the bloodstream when the gut barrier's structural integrity is disrupted, resulting in "leaky gut." The immune system responds to the leakage of undesired and incompatible chemicals from the gut into the bloodstream by launching an inflammatory response.

Leaky gut causes chronic inflammation, which is at the root of many chronic health problems. As a result, a leaky gut could be a factor in a variety of health problems.

Testing your gut health will help you discover areas of concern and what you should focus on, giving you the confidence to navigate your gut healing path far more effectively than if you went at it blindly.

How to Test:

Gut microbiome stool test:

A gut microbiome test can detect the health of the bacteria in the bowel. Kits can be purchased online with the help of a Nutritional Therapist or a medical doctor's recommendation (GP). The goal of this test is to isolate microbial DNA from a sample of human faeces that contains a variety of microorganisms. They can use this data to determine which microorganisms are common in the gut and whether a healthy balance of "good" and "bad" microbes exists.

Thryve's Gut Health Test

Thryve's Gut Health Program uses faeces analysis to target the beneficial and bad bacteria in your gut, allowing you to treat the underlying cause of your problems. Digital Health Report, Customized Probiotics, and Personalized Food Plan are all included.


Food Intolerance And Allergy Tests:

Food sensitivities can cause a wide range of symptoms, including bloating, diarrhoea, and gastrointestinal pain, as well as less evident symptoms like migraines and cognitive fog. Food sensitivities is they cause a broad range of symptoms—from obvious digestive signs such as bloating, diarrhoea and abdominal pain, to less obvious ones like migraines and brain fog.

There are various different types of food responses, each with its own set of symptoms. When the body creates immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies as part of an immunological response, this is known as food sensitivity. This occurs when huge pieces of food enter the bloodstream as a result of a leaky gut.

When the body reacts to food, it produces an IgE immunological reaction which means antibodies travel to cells that release chemicals, causing an allergic reaction. This situation necessitates rapid medical intervention.

Food intolerance is a term used to describe food reactions that occur as a result of poor digestion. The immune system is unaffected by this type of reaction. Food sensitivities and intolerances aren't life-threatening, but they can be easily misdiagnosed if you don't know what you're looking for.

How to test for food intolerance:

1. Consider going on an elimination diet. This entails eliminating the offending food(s) from your diet and keeping track of your symptoms for up to eight weeks. The foods are then gradually reintroduced to determine if your symptoms reappear. You might want to consult a Registered Nutritional Therapist for advice on how to go about doing an elimination diet.

2. Take a food sensitivity test to see whether you're allergic to certain foods. These are frequently referred to as "food intolerance tests," despite the fact that they actually test for food sensitivities. This test examines your blood chemistry to determine which IgG proteins are present, giving you insight into how your body reacts to different diets. Although a food intolerance test removes some of the guesswork from an elimination diet, your results must still be weighed against your overall health. However, food reactions share symptoms with other gut-related diseases, making it difficult to establish the actual cause.

Often if you're reacting to a variety of foods, it's not a unique food sensitivity that's causing your issues. It's because your gut's health has deteriorated and requires some treatment. Usually, once you've addressed and restored gut health, you'll be able to resume eating the foods you thought were problematic.

Everlywell Food Sensitivity Test

Everlywell's food sensitivity test identifies sensitivity to a wide range of foods and provides a detailed report of results, including an assessment of IgG reactivity levels for 96 distinct meals. When you test with this kit, one of the most reputable at-home test providers, you can be confident in the accuracy of the findings.


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